5 Jul
Josh Sims' historical guide to everything in your wardrobe

There are many books that cover the various dapper personalities who have defined men’s fashion over the last century — the rakes who wore timeless garments that became indelibly stamped into our cultural psyches (such as the impeccably disheveled Gregory Peck on the cover, above). But not many books will tell you the history of […]

9 Dec
When wood and bicycles make love

Are you looking for a bicycle that pushes the envelope in design? Then you may want to take a gander at the Renovo R4 Pursuit Hardwood Bicycle— a bike whose frame is constructed entirely of wood. The R4 is custom made for each of its owners, who can sort of decide the specific wood of […]

15 Jun
Be a tourist, but still avoid looking like a Dutch yokel

What’s the best way to succumb to the unavoidable need of a city guide in an unfamiliar city, while still keeping the horrific stench of camera-toting tourist off of you? Why Moleskin City Guides, of course. These specially curated 3.5″ x 5.5″ guidebooks make an ideal way to organize your trip while  preserving your memories […]

12 Mar
A hungry amateur's foodie exploration of Korea

The largest Korean population outside of Korea can be found here in my hometown: Los Angeles. Our K-town is thriving — endless nori-bangs (private karaoke rooms), neon-lit buildings, and hundreds of Korean restaurants to choose from. But even with the conditions ripe for exploring this exquisite gastronomy, I still found my Korean food choices limited […]