15 Mar
The second installment in a bizarre narrative series of videos

Miike Snow return with the second video from their Happy To You album (out March 27 on Downtown Records/Universal Records). If you have no idea what the hell “The Wave” is about (don’t blame you), it’s the second part in a narrative series of videos started out with “Paddling Out”. Let’s see where the weird […]

14 Feb
Trina, Luda, Lil Flip & Jay-Z for a ho-filled romantic celebration

As a Valentine’s Day gift to friends, fam and fans, Ed Banger Records’ Busy P offers this reissue of a 2008 minimix from the late DJ Mehdi. The very romantic 5-minute mix features the likes of Trina, Luda, Lil Flip and Jay-Z for a ho-filled 145 BPM heart and candy celebration… RIP Mehdi…

23 Dec
Stuff Melanie Iglesias "Flip Book: Xmas Edition" in your stocking

Why is this my favorite time of the year, you ask? Because it’s the only time we’re not inextricably tied to the insatiable whore known as the Blogosphere. See, most of you go home and your work day is done — you play with the kids, log onto Battlefield 3 on your Xbox or just […]

4 Jul
Time to celebrate by watching a butt get spanked in slow motion

Happy America’s Birthday everyone — even to our non-American readers, you can thank us for not electing someone named Bush again. This goes especially out to all the infidels, miscreants, ne’er do wells and cosmic accidents — holidays are for you too! Remember a couple hundred years ago when we told the King of England […]

27 Apr
The subscription video store for cinephiles worldwide

With the proliferation of cheaper and cheaper high-def cameras and filming equipment, the doors to independent filmmaking have been wedged open wider and wider in the last decade. Well, that’s not entirely true — sure it’s easier than ever to self-fund and film a movie, but the digital revolution has done nothing to help get […]

21 Feb
First video from Zonoscope LP

If you enjoyed the Cut/Copy‘s mixtape A Tale of Two Journeys from last week (which a lot of you apparently did), peep their latest video for “Need You Now” from their brand new LP Zonoscope (Modular Records). The video was directed by Keith Schofield. Cut Copy – Need You Now from Cut Copy on Vimeo.

15 Feb
Download the Melbourne quartet's latest mix

Melbourne’s Cut/Copy celebrate the recent release of their new album Zonoscope (Modular Records) with this set-the-pan-to-simmer mixtape, A Tale of Two Journeys. Cut/Copy not only craft some great electropop but they’ve always excelled as DJs as well, as their earlier mixes like So Cosmic prove. The new A Tale of Two Journeys mix is a […]

25 Dec
DJ Skream gives back to the kids with free holiday mixtape

Just in time for the holidays, the magnificent dubstep (and beyond) maestro Skream drops his Freeizm Album as a gift to the world  — the perfect soundtrack for tearing open wrapping paper, finding that Pneumatic Grappling Hook you were hoping for, and running around the room like a retarded chicken. Or if its after Xmas, […]