We were pretty damned excited when the Calvin and Hobbes Stamp was announced, and even more when the Complete Calvin and Hobbes three book boxset came out. Which makes us a prime audience for this documentary. Titled Dear Mr. Watterson, the trailer takes a deep look into the cultural impact of what we think is […]

9 Mar
"I Am Jack's Calvin And Hobbes" by GorillaMask

The kids over at Metaphilm have made a very interesting postulation: you know how the narrator in Fight Club doesn’t have a name? Some think this anonymity is to make him an “everyman”, but Metaphilm posits that’s not the case. What if the narrator is none other than Calvin, he of Calvin & Hobbes fame? […]

Now that Southern California has gotten dumped on by more snow than the Alps, you may have some winter wonderland activities on the mind. And if your plans for the slopes aim beyond simply skis or a board, you might want to get your hands on one of these Slalom Steerable Sleds. Made of 5/8″ […]

24 Feb
Now that's a lot of geniusNow that's a lot of genius

I just stumbled across this treasure — the entire body of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons published in a tribute three-book boxset titled The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Not only is Calvin and Hobbes a LIAS all time favorite, but it is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. After launching in […]

I was just announced that Calvin and Hobbes will receive their own US Postal Stamp, which is great news really. Seeing as I consider Calvin and Hobbes one of the best cartoons of all time (second maybe only to Gary Larson’s Far Side), I’m loving this. In their honor, and perhaps for a little jaunt […]