9 Sep
In the land of Eastern Promises, will this car ever be produced?

Sure the realm of supercar providence has mostly been the iron-fisted dominion of Western Europe, but their borscht-swilling brothers in the Eastern Bloc have grown impatient with being ignored, and vow to enter the fray with their own gamble of heavily torqued tire melters. But given the investment, skill and experience needed to launch a […]

Italian advertising & design studio H-57 has debuted an intriguing new project. Their latest work is a series of pictograms depicting the lives of famous personalities distilled down to their barest essence. The historical pictograms, with their minimalist design and astute wit, manage to feature a balance of personalities including Bruce Lee, Julius Caesar, Darth Vader and […]

28 Jul
Alien abductions, sex tents & getting out-partied by Steven Stills

Anthrax acolyte, resident New York hooligan and Official Editor of All Things Metal, the nefarious Matt Hanrahan gives us the low down on Van Halen’s other exiled singer’s bio… As anyone who knows me knows, I am a die-hard fan of the Mighty Van Halen. I have seen the band live with Roth and Hagar […]

20 Jul
Custom fuel-efficient bikes inspired by 1920s board track racers

Jason Lee and Hughe Laurie are some of the celebrities who’ve praised Derringer Cycles for their quality gasoline-powered bikes, but many appreciate their high attention to detail. Derringer’s Bespoke Collection designed by Adrian Van Anz are a highly limited collection of handbuilt 2-wheelers that capture the simplicity and barebones style of 1920s board tracking racing […]

20 Jul
Lordz of Brooklyn member drops new work at the Hionas Gallery

We were very excited to be invited to the exclusive opening of New York, New York: Big City of Dreams — a new exhibit at Hionas Gallery featuring artwork from our good friend Mr. Kaves from the Lordz of Brooklyn. Kaves has been around since the old days and literally grew up on the streets […]

6 Jul
John C. Reilly, and very little else, is worth watching

Read The Elf’s review of Terri, screened courtesy of the Los Angeles Film Festival (LAFF) Obese, outcast teenager with a crap home life finds redemption and a sense of self through a caring teacher. No, it’s not Precious. It’s Terri. This time the put-upon teen (Jacob Wysocki) is a pasty white male who wears pajamas […]

21 Jun
An peek into 8 months of hard living for the globetrotting producer

In the context of electronic producers leading the vanguard in sound creation, Skrillex has quickly leapt into the forefront of the global conversation. The man creates music that’ll terrorize those with weaker hearts, while sending flocks of adrenaline-seeking youths into states of dancefloor delirium. His Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites EP launched him into the […]

Madman Mundt The documentary, OUTSIDE IN is a sort of behind-the-scenes peek into the oh-so controversial Museum of Contemporary Arts (MOCA) exhibit Art In the Streets. We actually covered Art In the Streets fairly in depth when it opened, nevermind dealing with all the Blu controversy leading up to it [if you need a quick […]