Germany’s best and least disastrous victory since their infamous loss during the Good War recently took place on the football pitch this month, hence this shirt’s Third Reich reminiscent statement of “Endsieg” (final victory). Although some might argue the shirt has Nazi-esque messaging — what with its pronouncement of “Weltmeister” (they may say it means […]
George Clooney revisits familiar territory with his latest revision of the heist flick — this time framed in World War II Nazi Europe. Assembling another Ocean’s Eleven-level ensemble cast — Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and the always awesome John Goodman — Clooney tells the true story of a most unlikely motley platoon of scientists, […]
Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is, in a single word, brutal. Unflinchingly, gorily, misanthropically, even gleefully brutal, to a point that a couple scenes were so ruthless they will churn your guts. Now I survived Irreversible, so that’s saying a lot. This observation is neither a complaint nor praise, but rather a (obvious?) comment on a […]
We posted the trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained when it came out last June, and needless to say it had us already primed and ready for its release. Like we said, Tarantino is the uncontested World Champion of Pursuit of Vengeance movies and certainly Django Unchained fits the billing. Today a second trailer dropped, and […]
Is there anybody — and I mean anybody — on this God’s green Earth that better manifests a Pursuit of Vengeance flick better than the great Quentin Tarantino? Unleashing a slave seeking revenge, and freedom, on a bunch of plantation owners seems like such a Tarantino no-brainer that in hindsight it’s shocking he hasn’t done […]
Ah, Serge. The type of sex God only France could create: gangly, skinny, big nose, bulging eyes, and looking like a cross between Mr. Burns and Roman Polanski with a lit cigarette hanging from his puffy lips. Despite his crazy appearance, Serge Gainsbourg wooed Brigitte Bardot and wedded Jane Birkin and had women all over […]
You may recognize the trailer below as one of the 4 fake films advertised in Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez’s Grindhouse double feature film. Rumors have circulated now for 2 years that the Weinstein Co was fast tracking Machete into production, and apparently the film has been made and is awaiting release. Now, due to […]