Fantasmes formed between Mario Negrón and Darío Morales a few years after meeting one another at high school where they lived in Puerto Rico. Mario released an EP on his own, The Reveller, and soon asked Darío to join the band. After they began working together, however, Mario battled bouts of depression while bandmate Darío relocated to […]

21 Apr
Pilot your own Starship in Joquer's new Oru lounger

If you wanna be the pilot of your own private Starship called Life, you should look into Joquer new lounger/armchair called Oru. Designed by Spanish architect Ramón Esteve, the Oru lounger also comes with matching ottoman — just like intergalactic alien polygamist Kirk would’ve kicked his feet up on. See the Oru lounger with matching […]

8 Apr
Q&A with Los Angeles-based designer Ramón Coronado

Los Angeles-based designer Ramón Coronado has made some furniture that we can really get behind here at LIAS headquarters. We should have the Meadows — our secret, subterranean offices — stuffed with the plastic seating. Mercado Negro, or Black Market, is Coronado’s attempt at reclaiming these devices of corporate consumerism. In making his shopping cart […]