A long lost interview with Tupac Shakur dating back to 1994 gets animated as part of PBS’s Blank On Blank series. The idea of the series is to expose little known journalist interviews with celebrities — often posthumously — by giving a visual to the spoken word. This time it’s writer Benjamin Svetkey who interviews […]

29 Oct
Now the iPhone can save your life... sort of

Spraytect brings you the latest in self-defense technology to protect you and your iPhone from harm. This “groundbreaking” personal protection device comes in turquoise, white, black and of course pink, and is a proprietary blend of peppers, using one of the hottest habaneros as its main ingredient. It is the same blend used by Homeland […]

24 May
AKA How to get kicked out of class really, really quickly

OK before you get all up in a foaming tizzy, we’re not implying that Woody Allen date raping anyone is fucking awesome. Dude is funny, but let’s face it he’s creepier than Dov Charney in a Speedo. The makers of said tshirt are called Fucking Awesome, because they can pretty much call themselves whatever they […]