Sal Babier, revered street-skater of the 90’s and tastemaker of the here-and-now, has curated a collection of custom-made, special-edition BMX bike frames, gadgets and gear to showcase both the the history and habits of BMX subculture that kids went apeshit for in the 1980’s. The Scion Audio Visual’s BMXPert installation is more than just a time […]
As some of you may recall, we recently reviewed the NYC art show New York, New York: Big City of Dreams featuring new works from Brooklyn native Mr. Kaves. Amongst other projects, the always busy Kaves recently judged an art contest giving aspiring artists their chance to “Be Heard” by selecting submissions via French wine maker […]
As you know last week Lost In a Supermarket sponsored the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Tour when the traveling roadshow hit Los Angeles last week, and it was madness — the line went all the way down Vine and spilled onto Hollywood Blvd. There were so many people trying to get in that the […]
OK by now you should know the drill — the final and climactic night of the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Tour is coming this upcoming Tuesday night Los Angeles, November 16th. Lost In a Supermarket will be co-sponsoring the party along with Kingsize, so come and join us Angeleno readers — Open Bar, beautiful […]
We gave away tickets to EA and Kingsize’s Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Tour when it hit Austin, and had a blast at the event. Not only was past LIAS feature Dan Black performing, but we’re kind of attached to good times. What can I say, we’re suckers for video games and open bar. Finally […]