For children of the 1980s, the arcade holds a unique and holy place in our hearts. Oh how many countless hours I spent at New England Grand Prix (RIP), endlessly pumping quarters into Dragon’s Lair, Spy Hunter, Gauntlet, Super Sprint, Cyberball, Crystal Castles, Smash TV, Punch Out, et al like crackheads in the dark, inhaling […]

30 Jun
The Bosch Power Box is here to save the day

If you plan on having a serious throwdown this 4th of July — I mean a serious throwdown, one replete with policemen knocking down your door, ex-girlfriends trying to jump over the fence and that one crazy dude following you on Twitter dressed up in a Papa John’s deliveryman costume — then perhaps you should […]

29 Mar
Part Two in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine

This is Volume II of Lo Pan’s History of tokidoki (read vol I from Friday), the story behind one of the most prolific pop fashion lines of the decade. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld vinyl figures, ubiquitous LeSportsac handbag collection, and Cactus Friends plush toys — not to mention all their wide-ranging Sanrio […]

26 Mar
Part One in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine

Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]