When it comes to art, I know a little bit about a few things. I know I love Vermeer, that Guernica is something special, and that Rothko paintings calm me. If you tried to talk to me about such-and-such movement or the difference between pre-Raphaelite blah blah and post-modern so-and-so you’d be met with a very […]
A civilized chat with post-punk artist Paul McCarthy
Writing is as writing does
The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment…(read vol I, vol II, vol III, vol IV, vol V, vol VI, vol VII and vol. VIII) Last week my dad gave me some career/life advice. It went something like this: Dad: Honey, I’m real proud of your writing. Me: Thanks dad! Dad: How’s the job […]
GM's Robonaut 2 will send tweets from space
I feel bad for robots. They get charged with all of humanity’s most laborious, repetitive tasks, with little or no glory. Welding car chassis joints, sealing up gushing oil platforms, carrying rich drunks to bed. Thanks to NASA and GM that’s about to change, and our robotic underlords are about to make their way into […]