The Hood Internet’s latest mixtape dropped this morning, and as can be expected it’s packed to the cellophane with what one would dub party starting mashups. The Mixtape Volume Seven is what you wanna put on in that summer BBQ before the DJ’s get set up, or maybe what you wanna play when you’re trying to […]

We’re sure you remember us writing about Jim Mahfood‘s L.A. inspired illustrations — how can you forget about a cartoon where tacos, Tecates and copious medical brownies are the gist of life? As you well recall Jim is synchronizing the release of his first book of personal illustrations, L.A. Ink Stains vol. 1, with a […]

8 May
ABX & STV SLV seamlessly blend indie rock with hip hop massives

The Hood Internet return from the recesses of their underground lab with the sixth volume in their free mixtape series, another hour+ banger filled with hip hop flows laced over indie rock beats. The duo of ABX and STV SLV take the likes of Ma$e, The Cool Kids, Wiz Khalifa, Big Sean, Kreayshawn, Rick Ross & […]

Capitalism saw its true boom in America from the 1950’s into the 1960’s. Advertising gained importance in design, presentation and overall execution, demographics would be specified and targeted, and the phrase “always be closing” would ring in the ears of business men across the states. TASCHEN America’s own Executive Editor Jim Heimann and contributing author […]

1 Dec
Featuring Earl Sweatshirt's — aka Sly — first recorded track ever

It’s December 1st, so I guess Christmas is coming early for all the OFWGKTA disciples out there. The highly motivated fans over at Odd Future Talk have compiled the 3rd installment in their series of unreleased tracks from the much-hyped Los Angeles hip hop collective (is it buzz, or white noise at this point?), and […]

23 Jun
Retro "Pocket Hi-Fi C4 Pro" for world class sound quality

Music lovers that enjoy listening to their favorite band or mixtape all have their favorite mp3 player, but the newest media player by Colorfly — the Pocket Hi-Fi C4 Pro — promises ideal quality sound for true audiophiles. The portal music player has a retro feel thanks to the hand-engraved black walnut housing and brass […]

5 Nov
The supermodel gets all Sharon Stone in Casino for LOVE

Employing what can only be described as a Sharon Stone in Casino stylized shoot, photographer Sharif Hamza shoots erstwhile supermodel Elle Macpherson for the fourth issue of LOVE Magazine. Not much else to say here, so just sort of enjoy Elle in her bedroom frolicking around in underwear and then move along with your day…

We’re giving you enough zombies, horror mixes, undead Teddy Bears and Halloween-flavored monstrosities for a Friday, so we figured as sort of an aesthetic sorbet we’d present you with Eva Herzigova, getting naked for charity. Ok, we don’t know if she’s really getting naked for any “official” charity, but isn’t the well being of millions […]