I will gladly admit the Mundt Nerd-o-Meter is going all about haywire right now at the release of the trailer to X-Men: First Class. After the much loathed celluloid abortion that was X-Men Last Stand — Brett Ratner’s shameless taint-fiddling shit bomb — the X-Franchise desperately needed to get its stomach pumped from the toxic […]
Bryan Singer returns to save his glorious franchise from Brett "The Hack" Rattner — nerds everywhere, rejoice!
Tom Scott's witty middle finger to questionable journalism
Ever wonder why the Man feels compelled to warn us with labels about content involving sex, violence, strong language or just plain boobies, but doesn’t warn us about sloppy journalism or other questionable content? Why is it I have to be warned about a cop show where they say dick or fuck, but any tool […]