From the deranged minds of the South African art/bass/rap group Die Antwoord comes their latest album Donker Mag, out June 3 (pre-order it now on iTunes or Amazon). The first single from the album, “Pitbull Terrier”, was just released today — and as usual you can expect a healthy dose of absurdity, NSFW violence and overt sexuality. Not sure […]
In case you’ve avoided reading any online articles that had the words “pussy riot” because you thought it was spam or NSFW, let’s catch you up quickly. Pussy Riot! is a Russian punk performance collective and feminist/political activist group. In February 2012 five members staged a protest performance, or “punk prayer”, inside the Cathedral of […]
South Africa’s finest return with their latest video, a quick clip of the duo rapping over Mims’ “This Is Why I’m Hot” beat. Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er are offering up the acapella of the track over at their website to let bedroom producers make up their own remix. If you think you gots the skills, give […]
Everyone’s favorite albino Zeffers are back with their latest video for “Baby’s On Fire”. Although they asked to jump from the major label Universal deal and go indie, Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er don’t seem to have slowed down much. Besides dropping this video today, Die Antwoord have announced a new set of U.S. dates to […]
South Africa’s Die Antwoord released their new album today, TEN$ION, and open it up with a video for the track “I Fink U Freeky”. Directed by Die Antoord frontman Ninja, the vid highlights Yo-Landi Vi$$er, DJ Hi-Tek and Ninja himself existing in a most ghetto-tastic black & white world brimming with fellow freaks. After signing […]
The paring of South African zefs Die Antwoord with fringe indie director Harmony Korine seems like a no brainer. The white trash obsessed director must’ve first seen Ninja and Yo-Landi Vi$$er and had his heart explode. Now they’ve worked together on this 15-minute short, following the exploits of two daydreaming, wheelchair-bound, gun toting costumed gangsters […]
New vid from everyone’s favorite South African zefs, spotlighting a gold-plated Yo-Landi Vi$$er…