8 Mar
And it only took 10 years for a followup

Rival Schools return today with their second album Pedals, only a full 10 years after their debut United By Fate. What can you say — guys like to take their time. This is the first vid from the LP, and although you really can’t go wrong with any Walter Schreifels project, this one’s especially promising. […]

13 Dec
Johnny Depp throws on the tights for one more go around

The trailer for the new Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides film was released today. I’m not a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, but the special effects make them worth seeing if only for the dazzling eye candy. Plus, Johnny Depp kinda rules as Captain Jack Sparrow and Penelope Cruz […]

23 Aug
Juan James' Burka Board and Prayer Board

Juan James is the moniker for the collaboration between Chilean-born New York artist and designer Sebastian Errazuriz and New York artist and musician J. Carlton Dewoody. Together they created these two limited edition skateboards — called the Burka Board and Prayer Board — which are to be exhibited and auctioned off for a charity called […]

As a fledgling youth in Boston, there were many a day I found solace in the angular guitar chords of Walter Schreifels. As the guitarist for New York hardcore luminaries Gorilla Biscuits and Youth of Today, he added joy to my life in ways unexplained. But it wasn’t till he formed Quicksand in the early […]

28 Jan
Pine for the days of construction paper and paste

When I think about my elementary school, the only thing I remember is the cheap ass, plastic and metal chairs and crappy furniture everywhere. Man I wish Iglooplay was around at the time, although I doubt my school could’ve afforded it. The children’s furniture collection from Lisa Albin Design combines organic forms, ergonomics and a […]