25 Aug
It’s A Big Bang Of Cinematic / Surrealist Glory


I didn’t catch the Roy Nachum show before the opening here in LA (kicked off on the 22nd), but it’s running through September 16 and from the few images I’ve seen, it should be a worthwhile trip to the Cerasoli Gallery. Guy’s work is pretty damn extraordinary, if you ask me. Seriously, look close at these images. They kinda look like big digital prints, right? Like you can see each pixel from the print out. This isn’t digital art, people—you’re looking at oil on canvas. Nachum creates his images with the idea of a pixel; each of those squares you see, those “pixels”, are painted one-by-one. Sweet technique. Then there’s the actual art. Nachum’s work jumps right off the canvas in a big bang of cinematic / surrealist glory. It’s larger than life. Then throw in the animals and the partially nude women and forget about it. I love animals. I love to eat them, I love to see them in nature and I love that there’s a whole TV station dedicated to them. Ditto for partially nude women. And I don’t know about you, but if someone asked me if seeing a painting of, “A boy, blinded by a heavy crown that has slipped over his ears to cover his eyes, while running through a house of mirrors with a red balloon tied to his wrist,” the answer would be a resounding yes.

Cerasoli Gallery
8530-b Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
Tue – Sat 11 am – 6 pm
Tel. 310 954 5974

One Response to “Roy Nachum at Cerasoli Gallery”

  1. Lou Patrou says:

    I usually don’t go to other artists shows – but this one I would really like to see.

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