If you’re thinking this Fendi rifle looks familiar you aren’t too far off — resident fashionisto “Bruno” took his very own Chanel RGP to his film premiere last year. Well, considering Sacha Baron Cohen’s use of them, I think its safe to assume these life-threatening accessories are more of an ironic statement on society then a genuine designer-influenced weapon. Artist Peter Gronquist developed his designer-clad artillery with the idea that people will brand anything they can these days, and he “really just wanted to make something completely ridiculous”. Completely ridiculous? Yes, but nevertheless these guns are very cool. I think Gronquist is skating the fine line between comedy and fashion pretty well, considering these guns are actually stylish. The pieces feature design houses such as Gucci, Versace, and Burberry…only the most high-end, most pirated, most coveted brand lines. The absurdity of this weaponry is absolutely hillarious, but succesfully makes us look at how we contribute to the over-priced branding issues of today.
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No way can this jerk get elected for one more 4 a long time.