Infinite Sadness
11 Sep
Selena Gomez & Vanessa Hudgens lose their Disney contracts

Kids is one of those movies that’s a total anomaly, in that as great and seminal as it is none of the creative forces behind it ever did anything else worth a damn. Sure it gave the world Chloë Sevigny and Rosario Dawson (for which we’re grateful), but the duo behind Kids — director Larry Clark […]

Not much to describe here, just a 70 second video of everyone’s favorite buxom American supermodel running around on a beach in a bikini doing stuff and talking about stuff. I was on the phone when I watched this video so the volume was on mute, but I inferred by lip reading that she was […]

We’ve taken a video tour of John Lautner’s Sheats Goldstein Residence before, one of Los Angeles most famous and iconic architectural gems, but I think Wildfox Swimwear’s 2013 campaign makes a much more powerful aesthetic argument as to why it’s so special. Shot by erstwhile party photographer Mark “The Cobrasnake” Hunter, the campaign keeps it […]

After going soft porn in 2010 with Terry Richardson’s unforgettable take on the Pirelli Calendar, the Italians toned it down quite a bit and went classical with Karl Lagerfeld behind the lens in 2011, then went the naturalist route with Mario Sorrenti in 2012. Now Pirelli is continuing the tamed path with a very clothed […]

Remember that “Skate Moss” Skateboard Deck project we talked about last month? Well someone has decided to take Jeff Gaudinet’s brilliant idea and translate the meme to current swimwear supermodel champ/Terry Richardson muse Kate Upton, resulting in the aptly named Skate Upton. Launched by Jason Yim, Edsel Dilag and Chris Vilchez, we kind of have to […]

1 Jun
How to best respond to allegations that you're partying too much

Have you seen how all the tabloids have taken to piling on Rihanna lately for partying too much? A couple years ago she was the snow pure victim of abuse, and now she’s an out of control John Belushi-like tornado of coke & booze. You just can’t win. Wait a second — yes you can. All […]

30 May
Artist Jeff Gaudinet's skateboard ode to the timeless supermodel

As artist Jeff Gaudinet explains: “This thing started by accident, mispronouncing “Skate Moss” (while talking about both skateboard & Kate Moss with my friend Oniram). So I decided to create this useless / pointless platform…” The platform being taking images of the timeless supermodel and printing them on skateboards. Pretty simple, but endlessly opportunistic given the […]

7 May
The South African supermodel lounges on a couch doing stuff

We know, Mondays can be a bit rough. That’s why we present you with Candice Swanepoel, the South African supermodel, hanging around on a couch doing stuff. In high heels and short shorts, because GQ asked her to. It’ll bring your sorry existence one and a half minutes of joy…