Whether you’re a die-hard Andy Warhol aficionado, or simply a casual fan of his Campbells Soup and Marilyn Monroe pop art, you can probably appreciate his Polaroid shots of artists and celebrities — especially when the photos are from icons of the 70’s and 80’s. Warhol decided to snap a few Polaroids of his limitless […]
I’m pretty much a girlie girl. I pretend to be tough, but the closest I’ve ever gotten to a fight was when a chick in seventh grade gym class made fun of my friend Sophia De La Torre, so I pointed my shaking finger in her face and said, in my best pretend badass voice, […]
No, it’s not as funny as watching Arnold Schwarzenegger molesting his way around Rio de Janeiro, but humorous enough to brighten your day. Sure sexual battery is tough to beat in the hilarity scale, but the idea of Conan the Barbarian: The Musical makes my work week better. “And to hear the lamentations of the […]
This is Volume II of Lo Pan’s History of tokidoki (read vol I from Friday), the story behind one of the most prolific pop fashion lines of the decade. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld vinyl figures, ubiquitous LeSportsac handbag collection, and Cactus Friends plush toys — not to mention all their wide-ranging Sanrio […]
Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]
Predator remains one of the best sci-fi action films of all time, capturing Arnold in peak form and featuring some of the best one-liners in action film history (“I ain’t got time to bleed,” “Pussy face,” and “Stick around,” being particular highlights). Well they’re now re-booting the franchise with Robert Rodriguez behind the lens, which […]
In reaction to the passing of Prop 8 and the subsequent upheaval resulting in communities and groups petitioning and protesting and the court case Perry v Schwarzenneger, a case challenging the constitutional validity of Prop 8 (the California Marriage Protection Act), Manifest Equality gathers a talented group of artists together for a great show and […]
Brooklyn is Burning closed out their year in Los Angeles this week with an archival screening at Imprenta. Having pedaled their rare brand of sexually charged video installation and performance in Brooklyn since March of 2008, the duo — Sarvia Jasso and Andres Bedoya — finally decided to share with their depraved and quivering West […]