Really surprising more artist haven’t spoken out about the unwarranted surveillance and wiretapping of U.S. citizens by the NSA — I guess when the musical landscape consists of mainstream schlock, KISS dribble and corporate teet suckers you’re really not gonna find much resistance (whattup Jay-Z!). YACHT feels differently. The duo is donating 100% of the […]

27 Aug
The art of photographer Anne-Constance Frenoy

Parisian photographer Anne-Constance Frenoy has a way of capturing the female form with subtlety and true beauty. Her unique eye for the naked female body could be attributed to her early years spent as a dancer and model, but maybe she just always had a knack. As described in Ben Trovato, “her main sources of […]

25 Feb
Scale a fish, let out some aggression

Do you have someone in your life that you fantasize about skewering like a gutted fish? Well then the Voodoo Knife Set is a fun, stylish and oh-so functional option to add to your kitchenwares. The heavy gauge durable stainless steel blades have hollow handles and a 25-year manufacturer warranty — and lest you think […]