The Splash House Music Festival is back for the second time this summer, because the best time you had this season needs a redux. If you missed Palm Springs’ first splash-in-the-pool party back in June, grab your sunblock, speedo, stainless steel flask and whatever contraband you deem fit for a three-day desert pool party. Taking place next weekend, August […]
Everyone knows that pharmaceuticals can be a delightful dose to any day at the beach, poolside lounge, 4th of July BBQ or pill-side pass-out. This new addition to the Poprageous line out of Los Angeles was inspired by the work of artist Damien Hirst at the request of model Lily Cheshire. The Chill Pill Bikini is available in […]
Have you ever wanted to wear a mask that kind of looks like your face over your own face? OK, that would be weird, but then again, so is wearing tit-colored tit covers. But if you don’t know how to pull together your Springbreakers Halloween costume, this nude-looking top atop your bonbons along with a […]
This could possibly be the most perfectly manufactured Because We Love You in the long history of our beloved series. I mean, someone had the wherewithal to have a bikini shoot in zero gravity (genius!), and then handpicked everyone’s favorite blonde bombshell to play floating piñata? There are strokes of genius, like E=MC2, Heisenberg’s Principle […]
Peter Mayhew, the man who played everyone’s favorite Wookie, Chewbacca, has opened his treasure chest to expose some very candid, intimate behind-the-scenes photographs of his time shooting the legendary Star Wars franchise. For fans of the epic sci-fi space opera (who isn’t), the photos illuminate a side of the production that few have ever seen. Images shot […]
We’re not gonna lie, we’re kind of fascinated by James Franco. Sometimes it seems like he’s trying too hard to be arty, but then other times I’m just glad he’s got other pursuits going on beyond hanging out at The Double Seven and banging Polish models. Either that or going all Hansel from Zoolander — […]
This really needs no explanation, does it? Something about Sports Illustrated‘s always hilarious “Swimsuit Issue”, Kate Upton at her buxom best, a bikini in Antarctica and all other kinds of useless words… Enjoy…
Kids is one of those movies that’s a total anomaly, in that as great and seminal as it is none of the creative forces behind it ever did anything else worth a damn. Sure it gave the world Chloë Sevigny and Rosario Dawson (for which we’re grateful), but the duo behind Kids — director Larry Clark […]