You might remember The Elf from a little column she wrote here at Lost In a Supermarket called Bureaucracy for Breakfast, where she unloaded on the wolrd the various trials and tribulations of being an unemployed woman in the nadir of an economic recession. It made us laugh, a lot of people responded, and she’s […]

Read more Bureaucracy for Breakfast HERE In real life, I’ve managed to avoid crossing paths with the intensely racist right wing crowd. Well, I guess there’s no difference between “intense racism” and racism, but stay with me here. I’m no stranger to anti-Semitism or Confederate flags, but besides a few unpleasant moments the people who […]

14 Mar
Also starring Ann Coulter as succubus & Santorum as... insane

Read more Bureaucracy for Breakfast HERE Are you sitting down? OK, great. In this comfy position maybe you can accept this well thought-out thesis without turning into a lamebrain naysayer: Believe it or not, the campy, Vamp’r infested world of True Blood is the perfect place for many of our extreme right wing media whores […]

Read previous posts from Bureaucracy for Breakfast HERE. This week a riveting scandal rocked the internet, once again pitting the roughhewn ax-wielding 99% masses against their mortal enemy: Evil, greedy bankers. You probably saw this photo, unless you’re one of those Pinocchios who “never goes on Facebook” … So many people were enraged. Damn the 1% […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s quest to cut through the red tape. Read previous posts HERE.. Ah first class. The swift ease of being whisked to the airport or private jetway by your trusty driver. The elegant roll of your Louis Vuitton valise as it passes ratty backpacks and broken Walmart suitcases, hobbling pitifully on […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s quest to cut through the red tape. Read previous posts HERE. A few months back this image went viral, at least among my filmmaker, artist, and writer friends. Some of you may have missed it so here it is: When it hit my eyeballs I silently did a little, “Hell […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s quest to cut through the red tape. Read previous posts HERE. Confession: I’m not really sure what to make of this whole Occupy movement. It’s confusing. It’s like that loopy, unpredictable distant relative: I wanna love it, but it ain’t easy. You’d think a chick like me who bitches […]

The continuing saga of one girl’s plight with unemployment… Read previous posts HERE Last month, news broke that a few interns were suing the studio Fox Searchlight because they felt they were treated unfairly when they interned on the flick Black Swan. Reading the headline I thought, ‘Were they abused/starved/beaten and or tortured in any way?’ […]