3 Nov
Lindsay McCrum’s peek into the lives of women & their firearms

Spanning three years and 280 photo shoots, Lindsay McCrum’s new book, Chicks with Guns, is a collection of photographs that explores a variety of women’s personal histories with guns. Ordinary women pose dramatically with rifles or handguns against backgrounds that hint at their complex relationships with these most controversial firearms. In one photograph, a young […]

18 Nov
3DD takes life's universal salve to a new dimension

Quite simply, 3DD is an 86 page tome of life’s universal salve: boobs. Of course there’s been many a book dedicated to the female breast, but 3DD takes things to a new dimension by rendering the boobs in 3D. As simple as it is brilliant. Photographed by New Zealand via New York photographer Henry Hargreaves, […]

27 Jul
The director of 300 and Watchmen goes for the celluloid hat trick

Saw the trailer to Sucker Punch at Comic Con this past week and boy does it look like a doozy. Not only have you got Madman’s Holy Movie Trinity involved (samurais, dragons, machine gun-toting females), but it’s actually directed by very capable hands. I am a legitimate fan of Zack Snyder’s, who I had hoped […]

16 Jul
Where all you pervs' Real Dolls were born

Now I’m not one to judge — seriously, my life’s messed up in ways that would make some people seek solace in the warm confines of prescription meds and a vacation at Arkham Asylum. And usually people that feel the greatest need to tsk tsk tsk others are the most twisted of all — like […]

17 Sep
So how do I nominate Dov Charney for a Nobel Peace Prize?

You have to hand it to Dov Charney — the guy knows how to sell tshirts. Homeboy’s made a fortune selling the same v-necks and tights you can buy at any swap meet, but he’s mastered the age-old formula of associating your product with hot, half-naked chicks and, Presto blammo! your shit is flying off […]