12 Aug
Clooney, Damon, Murray, & Goodman in WWII heist flick

George Clooney revisits familiar territory with his latest revision of the heist flick — this time framed in World War II Nazi Europe. Assembling another Ocean’s Eleven-level ensemble cast — Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett and the always awesome John Goodman — Clooney tells the true story of a most unlikely motley platoon of scientists, […]

Who’d have ever thunk the “How’d you like them apples?” guy would evolve into one of Hollywood’s best action heroes. Certainly not us. But Matt Damon has become consistently bad ass over the years, and he’s usually spot on in selecting his film roles. We were huge fans of director Neill Blomkamp and his last film District 9 […]

8 Dec
Lost In a Supermarket breaks down our best ART of 2011

It’s about that time that we begin looking back at the year that was at LOST IN A SUPERMARKET. A whole year means a lot of amazingly awesome and amazingly bad crap we’ve found floating around this Great Existential Supermarket we all live in, so it’s time to get things going. We’re gonna kick off […]

8 Apr
Saoirse Ronan kicks a lot of ass... and that's about it

Madman Mundt and the Elf breakdown Joe Wright’s latest, Hanna. The film is out today, April 8. The Elf It’s like The Bourne Identity with a pre-teen girl. At least, that’s what Hanna was on the page. On the screen? Not so much. I first read David Farr’s script a little over two years ago […]

1 Mar
A behind-the-scenes look into one of 2010's best films

Although they struck out at the Oscars, Joel and Ethan Coen’s True Grit was still one of 2010’s best films. Really it’s hard to go wrong when you throw Jeff Bridges into a Coen Bros movie, you can pretty much expect a classic (even the trailer had us excited). While filming the movie, Bridges carried […]

6 Oct
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and Josh Brolin remake a classic

I can’t help it. I got a funny feeling this new Coen brothers True Grit is gonna be the best movie I’ve ever seen. It’s a gut thing. I don’t know if I’ve ever watched a trailer and had such a yearning to be in the dark theater, immediately, watching the movie. That’s how I […]

16 Sep
LIAS sits down with Sam Spiegel to figure out exactly who they've got naked pictures of...

We’ve covered N.A.S.A. (North America South America) here many times in the past, partly because they’ve managed to corral an almost unholy stable of collaborators to work with (“People Tree” featuring David Byrne, Chali 2Na, Z-Trip and Gift of Gab, “Whachadoin?” with M.I.A., Santogold and Spank Rock, “Spacious Thoughts” with Tom Waits and Kool Keith, […]