22 Dec
More vinyl collectibles from the Hong Kong based company

Taking the medium of toys and creating carefully constructed art is what Coarse is best at — just check out their Eyes of Fear busts, intricately accessorized False Friends or inventive Jaws Loser piece. The Hong Kong based company now returns with the next edition of their Casting Shadows figures, this time titled Casting Shadows […]

27 May
The tale of two friends flying a kite... in vinyl toy format

Whether it’s their “Eyes of Fear” Fiberglass Busts, or their False Friends and different Blackout Editions, or PAW! Bust and Jaws Loser, Coarse always puts out vinyl figures and toys that make us want to break the piggybank to go out and acquire. The latest from the toy makers is the beautifully nostalgic Casting Shadows […]

14 May
Coarse False Friends "Blackout" Edition

We’re somewhat addicted to the vinyl junk that Coarse is cooking up these days. That Jaws Loser piece last month was pretty amazing, and remember that False Friends figure they did in the beginning of this year? Well they’re back, only this time the False Friends are totally blacked out for their Blackout edition (fitting […]

15 Jan
Get your own miniature furry bunny suit for only $570

I love me some vinyl toys, but only when I stumble upon them at a small toy store and can swoop them up for something reasonable. I love figures like the False Friends above, but I just can’t see myself paying $500 – $1K for something that I can’t even drive or wear. Still, these […]