What do you get when you give the simplest of souls that which he seeks most? In the case of Homer J. Simpson and frosted donuts, you get a level of contentment on par with the most disciplined and enlightened of Zen monks. Ergo, Homer Buddha. Kidrobot has teamed up with The Simpsons to craft […]
I will gladly admit the Mundt Nerd-o-Meter is going all about haywire right now at the release of the trailer to X-Men: First Class. After the much loathed celluloid abortion that was X-Men Last Stand — Brett Ratner’s shameless taint-fiddling shit bomb — the X-Franchise desperately needed to get its stomach pumped from the toxic […]
Frost River has created a simple roll-up blanket with handmade leather harness. The fine wool blanket, embellished simply with stars and stripes, is strapped together with premium leather and brass buckles — an easy means to warm a companion on a starlit night. Pick one up at Blackbird for $60 .
If you missed the dynamic duo combination of Phil Frost and Barry McGee three months ago at the Prism gallery, don’t fret my ravenous street art loving friends! Phil Frost is opening up his solo show tonight, Saturday, April 24th, at the Known Gallery from 8-11p. The show is titled Pale Writer and I suspect […]
Madman Mundt just caught a screening of the upcoming film Pirate Radio. He didn’t like it. There are exactly two reasons to sit through the upcoming Pirate Radio, and luckily for the producers both appear ubiquitously throughout the film. The first is the late 60’s rock soundtrack that Focus pictures has somehow collected, which is […]