Boom-Art is already known for putting beautiful ladies on skateboard decks. From 1970s Pin-Up Girls and Snow White Gangbangs to Gardens Of Earthly Delights, Boom-Art has this time moved onto a far more refined dame: La Dame à la Licorne (aka The Lady & the Unicorn). To capture the heavy detail from the classic work of French medieval art, the tapestry had to be […]

Clearly the market for art-focused skateboard decks is a rapidly growing one, with seemingly new high end collector’s editions coming out monthly. Just last Friday we showed Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden Of Earthly Delights Skateboard Decks from Boom-Art, who’ve been making limited edition (and somewhat ribald) art decks for a minute. Now a new company is […]

Niche art/skateboard conflaters Boom-Art have done a remarkable job fusing what were once disparate universes, adding not a small amount of kitsch sexiness to the medium with their their 1970s Pin-Up Girl Skateboards and Disney Orgy Skate Decks. For their latest amazing design, Boom-Art have decided to go high brow and use the works of […]