Wow, what a comedy cast in this one. Starring the ubiquitous Freaks N Geeks/Apatow Mafia plus a handful of other of comedy’s best — including the always awesome Danny McBride — This Is the End sees the actors playing themselves in a present day apocalypse. Seems pretty appropriate for today being the End Of the […]
I can’t say that I remember seeing ASCII Porn (aka “pr0n”) in its first stages of development and circulation; but I have come across it as a pivotal type of art/porn/computer-nerd phenomenon and landmark of sorts. ASCII pr0n is comprised of letters, numbers and symbols that, as a whole, make up a larger picture: ass n’ […]
It’s about that time that we begin looking back at the year that was at LOST IN A SUPERMARKET. A whole year means a lot of amazingly awesome and amazingly bad crap we’ve found floating around this Great Existential Supermarket we all live in, so it’s time to get things going. We’re gonna kick off […]
Anyone who has watched Big Bang Theory will attest to the hotness factor surrounding Kaley Cuoco. A girl that’s tall, beautiful and blonde, but also has the wits to go toe-to-toe with two physicists is a girl that knows the path to my heart. Plus, she rocks a damn good Wonder Woman outfit to boot. […]
Geeks. Nerds. Freaks. Freaks & Geeks. Simply put: They aren’t popular. We all know that. But does it matter? Or better put, is that necessarily a bad thing? Not according to reporter Alexandra Robbins, who argues that people who are interested in math, science and technology are the future of our nation (bonus points for […]
I have some very good news for the comic book geeks out there with girlfriends. And when I say girlfriend, I’m not counting anyone you communicate with strictly via keyboard. To celebrate their 75th anniversary, DC Comics have teamed up with nOir Jewelry for a collection inspired by the venerable comics powerhouse’s fiercest and most […]
The San Diego Comic Con is quite unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, be thee commoner, X-Man, vampire, mutilated zombie, Star Wars cretin or garden variety fanboy. It is the ne plus ultra Mecca for geeks worldwide — but you don’t need me to tell you that. We attended it last week and had 3 […]
UPDATE: This was originally posted on Thursday night, but since Star Trek is red hot ($76 mill!) we’re gonna keep it up top for a bit… Star Trek opens tonight at midnight, and promises to elevate Zachary Quinto from geekdom hero to…well…geekdom superhero, I suppose. I’m sure playing the über-evil Siler on Heroes probably had […]