21 Aug
Two hours of electronic essentials from UK's T.E.E.D.

The most excellently named UK producer and DJ Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs (with the even more excellent birth name of Orlando Higginbottom), better known as T.E.E.D., pieced together an qualitatively awesome two-hour mix for a BBC Radio 1 show for August 18th. Today he put the mix up on his SoundCloud so we thought it’d […]

6 Aug
Brad Pitt stars in adaptation of George Higgins "Cogan’s Trade"

Brad Pitt stars as Jackie Coogan, a hitman for the mob from author George V. Higgins’ novel Cogan’s Trade, in the upcoming film Killing Them Softly. Directed by Andrew Dominik, whose previous two films have been pretty exceptional (Chopper and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, also starring Pitt), Killing Them […]

25 Jul
Musicians the world over say goodbye in their own way

Of all the tributes to the late Ms. Winehouse coming out, Rolling Stone has compiled a comprehensive litany of musicians farflung who have paid tiny tributes this past weekend following her passing. The list of farflung musicians includes everybody from Tony Bennett, The Who and Mark Ronson to Lady Gaga, Rick Ross and Sebastian Bach. […]

17 Jun
Because sometimes that's all you need to make it through a slow Friday afternoon

Two beautifully shot black & white lingerie photoshoots we’re combining into one. The reason? Hit the Jump and let your imagination rationalize for you. Kansas City model Leigh Yeager (above) is photographed by Jeff Tse and Jenna Upton (after the Jump) is shot by Cape Town fashion photographer Jesse-Leigh Elford. If you’re not at work […]

23 Jun
Flying free in the California deserts

We brought you the unveiling of Falcon’s sophomore effort, the Kestrel, last month. While we got to see it run, the only thing the world saw was its sheer cosmetic beauty. Well the Kestrel is more than just a gorgeous showpiece, it’s also one helluva motorcycle (I wish I had video of the guy’s face […]

10 May
Elevating the custom build motorcycle to the next level

Spent the weekend at the Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, California to cover the unveiling of Falcon Motorcycle’s sophomore effort, the Kestrel. As I said last week, the bike is truly a thing of exceptional beauty — a motorcycle that transcends a simple vehicle into the realm of true art and exquisite craftsmanship. And while […]