Artisan crafting and do-it-yourself-ing have been trending about the globe in general, but where the interest has perhaps blossomed most is in the art of making and knowing a good craft beer. With Barley and Hops: The Craft Beer Book, Gestalten has compiled the perfect book collection for the DIY brew lover. Whether one is entertaining […]

10 Jun
Aphrodisiac that heats things up while you heat things up

Foria is a unique new lube aphrodisiac from a California company using California cannibus oil. It’s a natural coconut-oil base that is crotch-safe and complemented by good ole THC. So you can heat things up while you, you know, heat things up. Can be applied topically when used as pleasure sauce or ingested as ganja […]

1 Sep
Contain your entire wine collection in one rack

Do you like wine? As in, a lot? If you fancy yourself a oenologist or simply champion a healthy collection of wine, you may enjoy having the Esigo 2 Box Wine Rack nearby. The steel rack can be mounted against a wall or used as a central room display unit, and can hold up to […]

29 Jul
If you're in LA, check out tomorrow night's Check Your Ponytail 2

Tomorrow night Nite Jewel is playing at Check Your Ponytail! 2 party in Echo Park, Los Angeles, and to promote the show she put together this very yacht-rock mix of breezy summertime delights. The show is opening for the very awesome Metronomy, so you can expect it to be packed to the sweaty rafters. The […]

16 Sep
LIAS sits down with Sam Spiegel to figure out exactly who they've got naked pictures of...

We’ve covered N.A.S.A. (North America South America) here many times in the past, partly because they’ve managed to corral an almost unholy stable of collaborators to work with (“People Tree” featuring David Byrne, Chali 2Na, Z-Trip and Gift of Gab, “Whachadoin?” with M.I.A., Santogold and Spank Rock, “Spacious Thoughts” with Tom Waits and Kool Keith, […]