I love Motorhead. You Know this. I love Joan Jett. You know that. I love X. You should know that. Why am I telling you this? Because another guy loves them too, only he happens to be a wicked talented Rock (Poster) God!!! (cue thunder) Bootsy Rizzak aka Josh Bernstein caught my attention a few […]
The Marvellini brothers of Milan are injecting surreal into the 21st century. Firebombing tactics of dining hall wall grandeur, they’ve created a name for themselves in Italy through the digital enhancement of vintage portraits. Not into retouching, their enhancement reigns in obscuring features by way of a virtual Marvel masquerade — adorned with masks of […]
Anyone who has watched Big Bang Theory will attest to the hotness factor surrounding Kaley Cuoco. A girl that’s tall, beautiful and blonde, but also has the wits to go toe-to-toe with two physicists is a girl that knows the path to my heart. Plus, she rocks a damn good Wonder Woman outfit to boot. […]
You know, I’m actually not hating on these Marvel Superhero Hoodies. 90% of the times comic book clothing licenses are about as creative as laundry detergent commercials, or as appealing as Ed Hardy on a Revere Beach guido, but these hoodies actually look alright. The long-sleeve, full-zip hooded sweatshirts are 60% cotton / 40% polyester, […]
If you think of Thor when you hear the phrase “motion comics,” think again. Sure Thor is a motion picture based on a comic that’s based on a myth, and sure it’s pure fun to watch, but the world of motion comics is a whole other rodeo. Take The Angel: Motion Comic from writer/artist/creator Dean […]
There’s been a lot of bustle lately about Stussy’s collaboration with Marvel, and considering the onslaught of Marvel comic book movies coming out this summer the Cali boys at Stussy couldn’t have a better brand to get in bed with. To promote the collab, they’re doing a GIVEAWAY as well (altho clearly not as cool […]
The first full trailer of this summer’s upcoming Captain America film, The First Avenger, was released today. In case you weren’t prepared (which I’m thinking most of you are), there’s a windfall of Marvel superhero movies all coming out to set up the inevitable Avengers mega-blockbuster, and along with Thor this summer will belong to […]
Engineer Brian Chan from M.I.T. has fashioned art work with his impressive math skills, creating his own origami patterns and using one single uncut sheet to fold into paper masterpieces. When Chan first started this simple hobby he mastered making traditional animals and intricate insects, but now paper is no limit as he manifests sci-fi […]