18 Jul
Grotesque monsters, plenty of blood & even a body part or two

In case you didn’t pay attention, this past Friday was Friday the 13th. It’s a shame if you didn’t because they only really happen a couple times a year, but also highly expected because really who gives a crap what day of the month it is when it’s the beginning of the weekend. Having said […]

17 Feb
An interesting but ultimately incomplete look at the most important art exhibit of 2011

We reviewed OUTSIDE IN: The Story Of Art In the Streets last summer when the film came out, and our take was that it was an interesting peak into the MOCA exhibit, but it was basically a fluff piece making all invested parties look good. Perhaps that was to be expected, but for a film […]

Madman Mundt The documentary, OUTSIDE IN is a sort of behind-the-scenes peek into the oh-so controversial Museum of Contemporary Arts (MOCA) exhibit Art In the Streets. We actually covered Art In the Streets fairly in depth when it opened, nevermind dealing with all the Blu controversy leading up to it [if you need a quick […]