5 Aug
Patricia Piccinini's technology-questioning multi-media exhibit

Artist Patricia Piccinini has set out to explore the concerns and issues surrounding today’s technologies, consumerism and the construct of nature. Compiling work she’s done from 1997 to present, her Hold Me Close to Your Heart exhibition at Instanbul’s ARTER gallery includes sculpture, installation, drawing and video to challenge the viewer. Conventional wisdom has given […]

16 Jun
Takayuki Hori’s folded and connected Oritsunagumono series

Takayuki Hori’s Oritsunagumono takes Origami, the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, and reshapes it with an environmental-themed collection of translucent skeletal Origami works. Oritsunagumono (“things folded and connected”) is made up of eight endangered species native to Japan’s coast — even more imperiled after the recent earthquakes and tsunamis. They are made of translucent […]

29 Mar
Charles Moore draws attention to the growing, choking problem of plastic debris in our seas for TED

We touched on this epic plastic dilemma facing the Planet Earth a couple years back when we covered photographer Chris Jordan’s Midway: Message from the Gyre in 2009, but it doesn’t get any less scary. We have a serious, serious fucked up problem with our consumption of plastics, and if nothing changes we can just […]

5 Nov
'Vac from the Sea' by Electrolux

Obviously the plastic problem in the world’s oceans is an immense issue — that Texas-sized “floating island” of plastic in the middle of the Pacific is no myth. It’s a gigantic polyethylene polymer middle finger to Earth, and we just keep making more plastic — cos Gatorade Arctic Freez is so damn delicious! Electrolux is […]