Robert Miles managed to do 2 things in the 1990s: 1. craft one of the biggest songs in the history of EDM (electronic dance music); and 2. annoy the world with one of the most over-played tracks in the history of mankind. The first was his doing, the second was not. The song in question, […]
The composer of "Children" proves his underground mettle
Internet overlord launches
Yesterday internet goliath Google unveiled its Boutiques website – a new portal dedicated specifically for shopping fashion items. As the second largest sector of online shopping (after consumer electronics), it really was only a matter of time till our Internet Overlords dipped their toes into the market of soft goods. As the LA Times reports: […]
Part One in the lost history of a pop-fashion machine
Tokidoki is a Japanese word whose etymology is, for the most part, vague. The definition can flip from “sometimes” to “constantly”, although the latter’s more appropriate when applied to the flourishing pop-fashion brand tokidoki, as its proprietors are always in motion. Their output is prolific, their hustle grand. You’ve seen their coveted hyper-stylized Karl Lagerfeld […]