9 Feb
Celebrating SNL 's 40th anniversary, live from your coffee table

If you’ve ever so much as turned on a television (even a an old-fashioned boob tube, with dials on it and rabbit ears), you remember Saturday Night Live, the homestead of so many of the greats of contemporary comedy—the iconic sketch show born back in 1975 that has been alive longer than most of the comedic actors […]

Robert Crumb or R.Crumb, American illustrator of Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural and founder and pillar of the underground comix movement, has edited together a six-volume set including only what he believes to be his finest work. This includes hundreds of late period drawings not published in previous sketchbook collections, reflecting the second half of […]

Cheeming Boey has taken one of the most disposable, valueless byproducts of Western society and transformed it with substance and value. Boey performs his alchemy on these toss-away with beautiful, at times incredibly intricate pieces of art. Using only a Sharpie and sheer creativity, Boey’s unique choice of canvas has earned him the title of […]

14 Jan
Storyboards unveiled from infamous October episode

Kind of a no-brainer here — if you love Banksy and/or The Simpsons, then you know how he did the opening sequence for an episode this past October. Well now Banksy’s opened up the vault to his creative process and uploaded his storyboard sketches for all to see. Yaye! Kill 2 minutes of your day, […]