The Camera Lens Mug is the perfect nostalgic item for any photography buff. A Cannon or Nikon lens completely lined with stainless steel, working zoom, auto focus switch and a camera lens cap to keep you cup of Stumptown joe from spilling over. Don’t just stop at coffee and other hot beverages, how about using […]
Back in May we brought you that with Moore & Giles Picnic Bag, and although that Waxwear Tote was nice and all, it really doesn’t compare to this fully equipped lightweight picnic backpack for four. Not only is it highly organized and fully compartmentalized, but it also includes a kitchenette worthy bevy of accouterments: corkscrew, […]
I really love pocket watches, but I’ve always assumed it was just a strange fetish. I’m the proud owner of my grandfather’s 19th century pocket watch, and although I’ve wanted to rock it out at the proper party I just couldn’t bring myself to leave the house with it — knowing my luck it would […]
There’s many ways to drink booze, some classy and some less than classy. The beauty of a flask at sporting events (and even that local martini bar in this economy) is that even tho you’re saving a fistful on drinks you’re also looking a tad shady. But not so if you’re rocking C.C. Filson Co.’s […]
Have you ever found yourself in a formal situation, surrounded by people who probably wouldn’t be too impresesed by your infamous “crack open a beer with my teeth” manuever? Well, we know exactly how you feel, that’s why we’re bringing you the Bottle Opener Cufflinks. These cufflinks are not only capable of keeping your buzz […]
Do you have someone in your life that you fantasize about skewering like a gutted fish? Well then the Voodoo Knife Set is a fun, stylish and oh-so functional option to add to your kitchenwares. The heavy gauge durable stainless steel blades have hollow handles and a 25-year manufacturer warranty — and lest you think […]