Really surprising more artist haven’t spoken out about the unwarranted surveillance and wiretapping of U.S. citizens by the NSA — I guess when the musical landscape consists of mainstream schlock, KISS dribble and corporate teet suckers you’re really not gonna find much resistance (whattup Jay-Z!). YACHT feels differently. The duo is donating 100% of the […]

6 Aug
Martin Backes cheeky ode to German Secretary of the Interior

If you’re planning on protesting, joining the Occupy movement or simply throwing a couple Molotov cocktails for kicks at the next G8 meeting — and you don’t want your face filmed by innumerable CCTV cameras and government surveillance — there are few better ways to mask your identity than this Pixelhead ski mask from Martin […]

23 Dec
The beginning of a series of Godard-inspired musings

The upcoming Alphaville Series takes its name from hipster God and French New Wave pioneer Jean Luc Godard’s 1965 film of the same name. The themes from the 1960s cinematic movement— full of stylistic experimentation and philosophical dialogue — centered on the ills of contemporary society. Godard’s Alphaville is about a city called Alphaville, a […]

Ever feel like you’re being watched? The panoptICONS project aims to remind you that quite often you are. They placed birds across the Dutch city of Utrecht, only these birds had surveillance CCTV cameras instead of heads in order to spy on everything around them. Created by Thomas voor ‘t Hekke and Bas van Oerle […]