This is the first talk posted from TED2011, which is happening now in Long Beach, California. If you find yourself anxious for whatever reason from the revolutions overtaking once-stable areas of the middle east and northern Africa, fret not — there are many reasons to feel optimistic instead, as is argued by Al Jazeera Network’s […]

7 Jan
Namechecking Eames, Terry Gross, Evan Williams bourbon and Clark Grizwold...New Orleans style

By all accounts, Generationals seem custom made for Lost In A Supermarket. First off, before forming Generationals Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were in a band called the Eames Era. While naming your band after a Mid-Century Modernist legend would be enough to prick our ears, there are the additional points that he loves bourbon […]

29 Oct
BBC Comedy's Misery Bear in "Dawn of the Ted"

Sure we’ve wondered if androids dream of electric sheep, but have you ever stopped to ponder whether stuffed animals dream of getting attacked by hordes of zombified Teddy Bears? Makes you think, doesn’t it. After watching the latest installment of BBC Comedy’s web series starring Misery Bear, I guess the answer is yes. A very […]

12 Aug
The Irish magician reveals...very little

A very interesting TED talk with Irish magician Keith Barry discussing “brain magic”. Now this dates back to 2008, but it’s no less compelling today. Actually, it’s pretty brilliant — like Penn & Teller, only slightly more enlightening. “First, Keith Barry shows us how our brains can fool our bodies…Then he involves the audience in […]

9 Jun
TED: Gary Lauder's "Take Turns" Sign

In this short 3-minute TED video, venture capitalist Gary Lauder proposes a new street sign that could save us (theoretically) $2 billion a year. While the math may be a little fuzzy, the idea certainly isn’t. How many times have you pulled up to a stop sign in the middle of nowhere and wondered, Why […]

18 Feb
Director takes the TED stage to explain his world view

We were big supporters of Neill Blomkamp’s directorial debut District 9, but lacking the sort of intellectual gravitas of most of TED‘s lecturers I wondered if he was out of his league at the Vancouver conference. Asked whether he believed aliens would really look like the creatures he imagined in District 9, Blomkamp used the […]

4 Feb
Richard Branson and Graham Hawke collaborate to take $113,000 per week from rich tourists

The newly developed $655,000 Necker Nymph aero submarine will be stationed on Richard Branson’s 74-acre private island in the British Virgin Islands. The three-person sub was developed by the visionary Graham Hawkes of Hawkes Ocean Technologies, and similarly to his creations the Deep Flight Challenger and the Super Falcon, the Necker Nymph essentially “flies” underwater, […]

16 Apr
Photographer Miru Kim Gets Naked and Plays

Here’s a great video via TED (a platform for the world’s leading thinkers and doers) with New York-based artist Miru Kim talking about her urban ruins project. The project was shot at various abandoned subway stations, tunnels, sewers, catacombs, factories, hospitals, and shipyards and features Miru in various states of play and nakedness.