Gestalten is one of our favorite publishers, and they’ve hit LIAS bullseye with their recent Boxed and Labelled tome — in their words, “a comprehensive overview of the most intelligent, innovative, playful and attractive examples of current packaging design. The broad spectrum of packaging is illustrated through an extensive selection of products characterized by cutting-edge […]
Here’s a pretty clever Brazilian commercial for Twix with the slogan Invent a pause. Open a Twix. Guy sure picked a good time to invent a pause…
This is a really rad commercial for IGA supermarkets — titled Le Rigodon — promoting veggie eating by Montreal-based Deshed studio. We couldn’t manage to embed it, so just hit the link below and enjoy the video! IGA_LeRigodon.mp4
This Yaris spot won an Australian short film competition to become an actual commercial. The only problem was that after it was shown women’s groups instantly condemned it as sexist, and Toyota had to apologize and cease showing it. People are so damn sensitive. It doesn’t seem sexist to me — just seems pretty honest. […]
This is a sticky pad block made by Pantogar — a medication for hair growth like Rogaine. How smart is that? Every time you use it the dude gets balder and balder, reminding you of your own creeping mortality…or at least of you losing your hair, which is almost the same thing. How superficially existential…
Creative Criminals collected a bunch of creative bus stop advertisements that don’t make me want to lobotomize my frontal lobe with a butter knife. Honestly, if ad people just spent a bit more time actually engaging their audience instead of patronizing them like mouth breathing simpletons then I wouldn’t want to throw a hand grenade […]
I love riding motorcycles, but every time I do I can’t help but think about how crazy exposed you are, where the smallest of errors could result in the greatest of pains. I’ve crashed before, in Zurich, and the accident cost me 2 days in the hospital, an agonizing night of suffering and my meniscus. […]
Presidia posted 25 images from Sydney-based photographer Neil Bailey that help justify the art of advertising. I love the action-figure-as-pained-protagonist shots…rad…