21 Mar
Almost as good as a beach packed with bikinis & pina coladas

If by chance you were unlucky enough to be the 99.99999999% of the world that missed Art Department’s set at this New Year’s BPM Festival in sun-drenched Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, we’ve got good news. No, it’s not a time machine that will take you back to a turquoise beach peppered with bikinis and pina […]

14 Feb
Trina, Luda, Lil Flip & Jay-Z for a ho-filled romantic celebration

As a Valentine’s Day gift to friends, fam and fans, Ed Banger Records’ Busy P offers this reissue of a 2008 minimix from the late DJ Mehdi. The very romantic 5-minute mix features the likes of Trina, Luda, Lil Flip and Jay-Z for a ho-filled 145 BPM heart and candy celebration… RIP Mehdi…

19 Jan
The Godfathers of Pixel drop a poster for Amnesty International

Berlin’s eBoy collective has just released an Amnesty poster for Amnesty International’s Poverty is Modern campaign, available here for about $31. I love their hyper detailed Legos-meets-8bit interpretations of the world, and this Amnesty poster is no exception. They’ve also released posters for London, Los Angeles, Berlin, Tokyo, Baltimore, Cologne and Venice, and just for […]

11 Sep
Fixed gear bikes get their Wallpaper

We’re admitted magazine fiends over here at LIAS, and it’s with great sadness that we’ve watched many of our favorite titles submerge in the last year (RIP Swindle, BPM, Portfolio, … but good riddance, Blender). That’s why we’re pretty stoked to see the launch of Fixé Magazine, a French publication focusing on the rise of […]

2 Sep
America gave geezers 12-minutes of “Acid Trax”; they gave us back a lifetime of culture

Experiencing my first rave is something I’ll never forget. Everything about the affair is permanently burned into my psyche: The road trip from San Diego to the map point on Melrose Ave, consumed by an overwhelming sense of mystery, of not knowing exactly what I was getting myself into. The two-hour drive to the Mohave […]

Berlin’s Modeselektor and Ellen Allien are going on tour this summer, and if you like shaking your butt to soundwaves emanating from giant speakers, then you should mos def check them out. Modeselektor are among the best producers out there, making music so bass-filled and dark that you’d have to be a quadriplegic to not […]