27 Jul
If you have any moral compass, do not watch this video

We warn you now: if you have any over-riding moral compass or even semblance of decency, do not watch this video. Or rather watch it, but keep the volume on mute. While on the “Steak & Mash Potatoes” Chain Swangaz allowed the video to do the talking — along with the likes of Charlie Sheen […]

What do you get when you mix Charlie Sheen + Dirt Nasty + Brother Marquis from 2 Live Crew? Why, Chain Swangaz of course. The musical project made up of rapper Dirt Nasty — he of “1980” fame — and Grammy award winning producer Jack Splash release their first video, and it is exactly what […]

6 May
A couple minutes with one of our favorite bands on Earth

I’m just gonna say it: Noah & the Whale’s debut album, Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down, is one of my favorite albums of the decade. No shame, no caveats, no qualifiers. Not only is it an emotionally candid album (sometimes painfully so), with some of singer/songwriter Charlie Fink’s most personal lyrics, but it is […]

You know who’s gotta be more stoked than anyone for Charlie Sheen’s recent massive public psychological unraveling? Lindsay Lohan — seriously, that girl’s gotta be so stoked that there’s a new celebrity punchline in town, one that’s done so much cocaine it makes Lindsay look like a harmless After School Special. Of course regardless of […]

4 Mar
The soundtrack to a terrifying social experiment gone awry

Well, I suppose this was inevitable. I know people are getting sick of the whole Charlie Sheen thing already, but really — have you ever known a public meltdown in human history better suited for a dubstep remix? Me thinks not. The whole Adonis DNA, tiger blood, being from another terrestrial plane rant — it’s […]

Man, watching the white-hot snorting disaster that is Charlie Sheen’s unraveling has become 2011’s most compelling train wreck. The whole meltdown received the inevitable Taiwanese animation treatment this weekend, and as can be expected its genius is unbridled. I get the “fire breathing fists” and the strumpet in the bikini — hell, even Chuck Lorre […]

13 Jan
The first single from upcoming "Last Night On Earth" LP

Noah and the Whale release the first single released from their upcoming 3rd LP, Last Night On Earth. The track, “L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.”, typifies Charlie Fink’s poignant — and dramatic — narrative storytelling, and is a nice hint as to what Last Night On Earth might have to offer. As NATW say of the album, “This is […]

7 Jan
Namechecking Eames, Terry Gross, Evan Williams bourbon and Clark Grizwold...New Orleans style

By all accounts, Generationals seem custom made for Lost In A Supermarket. First off, before forming Generationals Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were in a band called the Eames Era. While naming your band after a Mid-Century Modernist legend would be enough to prick our ears, there are the additional points that he loves bourbon […]