4 Mar
The soundtrack to a terrifying social experiment gone awry

Well, I suppose this was inevitable. I know people are getting sick of the whole Charlie Sheen thing already, but really — have you ever known a public meltdown in human history better suited for a dubstep remix? Me thinks not. The whole Adonis DNA, tiger blood, being from another terrestrial plane rant — it’s […]

Man, watching the white-hot snorting disaster that is Charlie Sheen’s unraveling has become 2011’s most compelling train wreck. The whole meltdown received the inevitable Taiwanese animation treatment this weekend, and as can be expected its genius is unbridled. I get the “fire breathing fists” and the strumpet in the bikini — hell, even Chuck Lorre […]

Without question the most aptly named jewelry line in the existence of humanity, Cast of Vices is back with their third collection and, as expected, it’s a doozy. Beyond their past cigarette butts and beer bottle caps, Cast of Vices has decided to up the ante in their Collection No. 3 by adding a little […]

10 Aug
Transporting kilos of coke, a suitcase full of sex toys, piles of cash or simply kidnapping a stewardess — what's your Crime of Choice?

It is my experience in this life that there are few people with a paler sense of humor than those working at the TSA or for airlines in general. I remember years ago, well before 9/11, when I was asked on a flight to Miami if I’d been given any “suspicious” looking packages. Thinking it […]

30 Jun
The Bosch Power Box is here to save the day

If you plan on having a serious throwdown this 4th of July — I mean a serious throwdown, one replete with policemen knocking down your door, ex-girlfriends trying to jump over the fence and that one crazy dude following you on Twitter dressed up in a Papa John’s deliveryman costume — then perhaps you should […]

16 Dec
Arizona hippie moves to Omaha, continues evil synth-pop ways

Shawn Foree grew up in the desert shrubs outside of Tucson, Arizona in a Baha’i hippie commune, which is really weird given the incredibly synthetic textures of his music. Maybe that’s where he got the name of his band, Digital Leather — a literal conflation of a most organic material with the most intangible, artificial […]

Quite possibly the most believable headline ever for the Globe. I mean, how much sense does this make? The raging paranoia (PATRIOT ACT, anybody?), the rampant mood swings, the belligerent attitudes (whoops, our bad Iraq!), the epic delusions of grandeur, the lies and cover-ups (paging Valerie Plame)…holy shit, George W Bush is a total cokehead!!! […]

Cocaine is big business. 35.3 million Americans aged 12 and older have admitted to trying the drug at least once. The number of regular users is crazy high too. It’s safe to say that there’s a lot of cash blowing around the streets—especially in Hollywood. People barely even try to hide that shit in the […]