Boom-Art is already known for putting beautiful ladies on skateboard decks. From 1970s Pin-Up Girls and Snow White Gangbangs to Gardens Of Earthly Delights, Boom-Art has this time moved onto a far more refined dame: La Dame à la Licorne (aka The Lady & the Unicorn). To capture the heavy detail from the classic work of French medieval art, the tapestry had to be […]
We’ve covered previous other racy Boom-Art collections such as the 1970s Pin-Up Girl Skateboards, but none have been as sexually charged (or controversial) as their latest collaboration: the Disney Orgy Skate Decks. As can be inferred from the title, the two limited edition skate decks feature a hilarious take on classic Disney characters doing very, very, […]
Despite the armies of lackluster taggers and copycat wheatpasters, some artistic misfits put a lot of vision and meaning into their work. You know a street artist(s) paints an accurate portrayal of society when they create a magazine featuring the double-donked Kim K in such a state of narcissism that she eats her own face. […]
Since we first saw TrustoCorp’s subversive street art we’ve been fans. In the over-saturated, bloated world of street art, it takes doing something really different in order to stick out from the crowd (or just doing something really well). Plus, it always helps to have a strong message as all their fake street signs do […]