13 Feb
Defender of the Universe & stander of desktops

For all you Voltron nerds, it’s time to get your G0Lion on thanks to the geeks at Think Geek. You know, the geniuses that made these super spiritual ice dudes possible. Aside from being a little 4″ super-deformed Voltron figure (as if that wasn’t enough), this trinket comes with a shitload of features such as […]

19 Dec
The perfect notepad for journalizing your life after the apocalypse

If the world ever ends, you’re going to need to slice zombie brains and keep a diary in one arm motion — and that’s why ThinkGeek brings you the Tactical Notebook. For starters, it’s psychotically durable. That means the blood of the undead will wipe clean from its easy-clean surface and it’s got a much […]

23 Sep
Get yourself some Zen consciousness... on the rocks

Makers of the world’s most completely unnecessary and yet amazing products, Thinkgeek have come up with a must-have for your wet bar/Zen temple. The spiritually enlightened Laughing Buddha ice tray includes four fillable Siddartha slots, each holding 1.5 ounces of water — lest you prefer to use them for belly jiggling jello shots. It is […]

Forget about the office with the ping-pong desk, it’s time to convert your conference room into the medieval realm of Men recently plagued by rebel orcs — their underground tunnel system known only by Dungeon Master Gerald McFeerney from IT, an expert at both sword wielding and Javascript. Now you can set forth with your band of […]

I keep thinking that it would be good to get a board game night going again. Some of my favorite memories of high school (and sadly college) were hanging out with my fellow geeks and playing games deep into the night, drinking gallons of Mountain Dew when we were young, and Southern Comfort as we […]

26 Aug
Protect your copy of "Cat's Craddle" like a Samurai

OK, we’re definitely geeking out here when we correct the makers of these Katana Bookends that ninjas did not actually use katanas, but rather wielded ninjato swords. Ninjatos are straight, katanas are curved and used by samurai. So you can’t really live out your ninja dreams with these protecting your books, but you can at […]

25 Sep
Autobots & Decepticons in TLS chibi tshirt format

We’re very excited (read: geeking out) that our friends over at The Loyal Subjects have scored one of their bigger collaborations to date: a whole new series of apparel, toys and as-yet-unseen items featuring the one and only Transformers. But don’t worry — we’re not talking about the updated, hyper-detailed characters from the billion dollar […]

Add the Motion Simulator company to Ariel, makers of one of the world’s most blisteringly quick custom build cars, and what do you get?  Howsabout the TL1 — for $18,400 (£11 500), it’s possibly the gamer’s ultimate boner dream. Entertaining a 180-degree spherical projector screen and variable driving position cockpit, the TL1 is the ultimate in […]