10 Sep
Channel your dusty mixtapes directly onto your iPhone or iPod

You can always count on Hammacher Schlemmer to provide stuff that you never knew you wanted, but then realize you cannot live without (e.g. their Fighting Super Bionic Robots, “Thunderclap” Alarm Clock or Swiss Army Knife Chocolates). Such is the case with their Cassette To iPod Converter — a simple piece of digital magic that […]

10 Nov
A perfectly civilized way to settle a drunken beef

So you throw a house party and in the middle of the debaucherous festivities you catch your friend drunkenly throwing pistachio shells into your toilet, so you whip a can of Schlitz at his moronic head. The almost-full can hits him across the head, ricochets into your vanity mirror, shatters in an explosion of glass […]

Do you have a problem waking up via alarm clock? Is your first instinct to sleep right through its incessant ringing, if not smashing it against the wall with one potent Jonathan Papelbon-like fastball against the wall? Then you might be in the market for the Thunderclap Alarm Clock — a 113-decibel screamer that’s loud […]

With the influx of coffee shops popping up like Anthony Weiner twitter pics, the quality of your lattes, cappuccinos and macchiatos seems to differ from shop to shop and from barista to barista. The original column espresso machine was a handcrafted piece of machinery made of brass and copper, featuring copious mechanical dials and switches. […]

27 Jan
High-tech meets hardcore...

Anytime I see something that’s just in my price range, I try to imagine life with that object. If it sounds like a completely bad idea, I’ll run with it. I’ve got worse money handling skills than a Wall Street investment banker, which makes me a great consumer. Now, take the Desktop V-Twin Engine for […]