Five volumes deep in commemorating the world’s most innovative and noteworthy illustrators, Taschen now publishes their latest Illustration Now! book. This compilation of visual genius contains the work of 150 artists from 30 different countries across the globe, with artwork ranging from personal collections to the high-profile work belonging to the likes of The New Yorker and Time. Artists include Craig&Karl, Sue […]

While not prepping proms or assembling awesome comic books about Los Angeles, Jim Mahfood (aka Food One) likes to draw girls. Either as full illustrations, or simply doodle his art around them. There are worse jobs. His latest gig was doing exactly that for an photoshoot, where he lends his ink pen to the […]

3 May
Projects, posters & history of illustrated information by Taschen

How do you best grasp obtuse concepts? With a constant influx of information, prose becomes tedious, PowerPoint is mundane, lectures are too easy to tune out; but the information graphic seems to maintain focus from even the shortest of attention spans. Author of Information Graphics Sandra Rendgen has concluded that visuals are the only way […]

Some things just go together, like boobs and skateboarding (and apparently kittens, but that’s another story). Much like Doodah’s Ingenious “Supermodel Deck Project” from last year, for some reason skateboarders seem to appreciate the female form. Or maybe skateboarding is just funner naked, who knows. The point is that Boom-Art — a gallery dedicated to all […]

9 Mar
"I Am Jack's Calvin And Hobbes" by GorillaMask

The kids over at Metaphilm have made a very interesting postulation: you know how the narrator in Fight Club doesn’t have a name? Some think this anonymity is to make him an “everyman”, but Metaphilm posits that’s not the case. What if the narrator is none other than Calvin, he of Calvin & Hobbes fame? […]

5 Nov
A Tale of Two illustration format

One print, two cities: the duel begins between Paris and New York. Eiffel Tower vs. Empire State Building. Croissant vs. Street Dog. Pedro Winter vs. Drop the Lime. Dog crap on the sidewalk vs. urine on the sidewalk. Hairy, Smelly Hipster vs. Hairy, Smelly Hipster. You get the drill. Graphic designer Vahram Muratyan has started […]