Check out the tracks below. The soundcloud playlist and youtube videos are a sort of conga line of what people on the internets are talking about right now including new releases, re-issues and some just reified. The Verlaines – The Lady and the Lizard: If you like Joy Division and Pavement, you’ll love The Verlaines. Their 1985 […]
Maskull Lasserre is a talented craftsman/carvesman making his way through the world of aesthetics. Turning what was once simply a hobby into a web of handcrafted art, Lasserre is one of the more recent artists to crawl his way out of the basement of apprenticeship. The Montreal artist’s notoriety comes from his intricately carved anatomical lifeforms: animals, people […]
Hailing from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Os Gemeos (literally ‘the twins’ in Portuguese) and known to their mother as; Gustavo and Otavio, bring their amazing, surreal and humorous vision to a dynamic solo exhibition at Los Angeles’ PRISM Gallery which opened this past Saturday night. Miss You runs through March 24th and features Os Gemeos’ saturated colors and signature […]
I think four hundred years from now, when we’re zipping around on jetpacks and making sweet tender love to our personal Marilyn Monroe clones (with bi-polar disorder removed, naturally), we’ll still be listening to new Wu Tang-based mixtapes being freshly released. You just can’t go wrong with the formula: take some rare Wu accapellas (there’s […]
My god, what in blazes is there not to love about this musical project??? The fruits of a yearlong obsession by emcee, producer and founding member of Doomtree Cecil Otter and Minneapolis musician and producer Swiss Andy, Wugazi: 13 Chambers is a mixtape blending two of the greatest musical artists of the modern era. Cecil Otter […]