Ever since seeing Django Unchained over the holidays, we’ve had a lot of Quentin Tarantino on the brain. Not only did I watch Pulp Fiction again recently, but I already lined up Jackie Brown on the old Netflix queue. What can I say, it’s one of my favorites. But as good as all of the above […]
With the proliferation of cheaper and cheaper high-def cameras and filming equipment, the doors to independent filmmaking have been wedged open wider and wider in the last decade. Well, that’s not entirely true — sure it’s easier than ever to self-fund and film a movie, but the digital revolution has done nothing to help get […]
Although Frankie Rose is best known as one of the original founders of Vivian Girls, the sound of her new project, Frankie Rose and the Outs, has taken on a decidedly more shoegaze, slightly noisy direction. The Brooklyn stalwarts have taken their lo-fi garage sonics and penchant for rich melodies and upgraded the production, dousing […]
Jamie Bolton’s minimalist movie posters chisel the away at the pack-it-all-in, DVD-extras-and-bonus-material mentality, revealing only the essence of what a film is all about. Of course, if you haven’t seen any of the films Jamie’s portrayed on poster, then the message may be hard to decipher. If you haven’t seen Back to the Future, Blade […]