Smother the faces of your loved ones with the pillow fluff of a true film buff with Horror Decor‘s inspired printed pillows. With a selection ranging from such horror and suspense classics as Amytyville Horror, Dead Alive, Night of the Living Dead and Jaws, you won’t have any shortage of options. Accessorize your home in a way that calls for a large buttered […]
It’s pretty clear who the target market is for this here particular pillow. I’m not gonna say you have to be a full-on pothead to enjoy this “Giant Stash” Pillowcase, but I’m sure it helps. And who doesn’t have an adorable stoner in their lives? You know, maybe they have a pot leaf tattooed on […]
Earlier this week we showed you the Bombface Sweater Pillow, a playful pillow that’s part of The Hundreds x V/SUAL holiday collection. Photographed through Van Styles signature erotic lens, one could only expect that a video shot to promote it would share a similar style. And thanks to the Pillow Fight Gods, it does. Their […]
LA streetwear powerhouse The Hundreds tap photographer Van Styles’ V/SUAL brand for a collaborative holiday collection for 2013. There’s also t-shirts involved in the collection, but really we’re just interested in Van Styles’ nifty camera work (much like with his “MIA/LA” Skateboard Deck Collection), because nothing says Xmas like a nice pair of sweater pillows boobies. […]
It was a last minute change of plans for photographer Harry Benson that changed his life, and future documentation of The Beatles’ lives both on and off stage. Benson, perhaps best known and recognized for the iconic photo of The Beatles’ pillow fight at George V Hotel, also captured The Fab Four’s appearance on The […]
There’s few things more nauseating than seeing road kill wiped out on the side of the road. Even worse, trying to dodge it while it’s in the middle of your bike lane. That’s why it takes someone truly messed up to envision Road Kill Toys, a plush take on the most unbearable and disgusting driving […]
Ben Venom looks like a guy that doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit. I’m even pretty sure that if you told him he was doing “women’s work” he’d likely sock you in the face. Then when you stopped blubbering like an infant he’d sit you down and calmly teach you how to do the exact thing you […]
Manufactured in Barcelona, the character cushions from Woouf feature two very stereotyped cover designs: The guy from the Bronx and Acne Prone Nerd. The covers are 100% polyester and the filling is made from a microfiber pad. Pick one up for $40 (€60.00)