Whattup kindly readers! Not only have we been dealing with some internal issues as we switched providers, but this all happened as we were commissioned to write a story on scuba diving in Grenada. Bullshit, you say? We swear it’s true! And the story — as well as a constant stream of new content — will be […]

18 Mar
See you all back next week, recharged & ready...

OK friends, it is that special time of year where Lost In a Supermarket decides to live up to its name and get lost in the worldwide supermarket that is our world. Specifically we’re headed to Panama, because we’ve heard they specialize in shining machines and model citizens with zero discipline. It’s been a long […]

20 Aug
Wishes us well while abroad with 20-minute set of bangers

While California-native Bassnectar (aka Lorin Ashton) is off touring — or vacationing, I guess those are synonymous when you’re a successful producer — in Europe, he decided to expertly splice together a few insane bangers into a potent 20-minute mix. You know, the real grimy, wobbly stuff you wanna put on full blast everywhere for […]

It was announced, and highly circulated around the internet, that Coachella and Goldenvoice have put together a steller little concert that’ll take place on a cruise ship (yes, like Holy Ship!), called the S.S. Coachella. The music cruise will be taking place this winter, venturing to the Bahamas December 16-19 and Jamaica December 19-23. The […]

24 Feb
LIAS in the land of cannolis, mafia, Palermo and honey

LIAS was just invited to Sicily to for a week of adventure, and damn did it surpass the bill of expectations. Sure it’s got all you’ve heard: copious crime (including being victimized by filthy pickpockets), culinary delicacies from sea to land to pasta to pastry, mafiosos running the government (mafiosos running everything, actually), thriving urban […]

24 Feb
The backwards told story of the worst vacation ever

God damn… if you’re a gamer surely you’ve seen this trailer for the upcoming XBOX 360 game Dead Island, but for those of you who aren’t, and probably haven’t seen it — and who also don’t mind being horribly disturbed on a mild Thursday morning/afternoon (depending where you live) — give it a whirl. Some […]

24 Dec
Time to get back to destroying ourselves with booze

So it’s that most wondrous time of the year when the staff of Lost In a Supermarket finds the roadmap outta this giant interweb bodega, wraps some locks on the door and ventures out into the land of Rancho Relaxo. It’s been a helluva good year for us at LIAS and we want to thank […]