27 Oct
A symbolic link between the font and the artist’s reflections


Meet Vladimir Koncar, a visual artist, new media and graphic designer and art director from Zagreb, Croatia. Actually, I’d like to meet him too. I just came across his page on Behance. Gut tells me he’s a pretty fun guy. Or his completely introverted and lives vicariously through his experimental typography work. They sure are playful. Either way, he has talent and has fun exploring in a diverse range of fields, not just typography. Experimental films, graphic and web design. I really like how he gets personal with this Diary of Type series. It’s like a typographic diary. He calls it something fun to do with he’s fed up with commercial work. Considering he’s done more fonts than you can count on two hands, Zagreb, Croatia is suffering from a lack of jobs too. Or he just really hates his commercial work in general.

Anywho, when he can’t stands no more, he starts collecting various objects and from those random things he form letters. With those letters he writes his thoughts down. It’s like a symbolic link between the font and dude’s reflections. Pretty dope, if you ask me.

Here are a few of my favorites. And a music video made for TrianguliZona, an experimental/ambient/jazz type band from Zagreb Croatia as well. He shot the video using a Canon Powershot A95 that he put in a plastic bag and took underwater with him. The band is pretty dope too; check ‘em out here and here.

No Responses to “Diary of Type by Vladimir Koncar”

  1. […] Vladimir Kon?ar, ein junger kroatischer Designer setzte scheinbar alles in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung in Buchstaben um, witzig, anregend und irgendwie auch unterhaltsam. [Show as slideshow] LINK: Typoexperimente […]

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